Role of PRIs
The role play by the PRI in the identification and finalization of list is significantly manifested by conducting Special Grama Sabhas. During the enrolment, Village Pachayat Secretaries have gone door to door along with the VET teams to verify the authenticity of the landless agricultural laborers with the records available with the Panchayat. In fact the process has become easier to address the issues arose during the process. Panchayat Surpanchers have displayed the draft lists of eligible landless agricultural laborers at the Panchayat Office of 5-6 days to invite public grievances i.e to do justice to the really needy persons and to eliminate the ineligible members. Conduct of special Grama Sabhas with the villagers for finalization of lists of the eligible members is the predominant role, played by the PRIs across the State of Andhra Pradesh. All the lists of eligible candidates certified by the Village Panchayat Secretaries and Sarpanchars are forwarded to the Zilla Samakhyas for data entry / computerization.
Material to be kept available during Awareness & Enrollment with VET Teams
- Circulars / Process guidelines issued by SERP
- Literature on the schemes
- List of beneficiaries in case of AABY (landless agricultural laborers)
- List of SHG members / PoP house holds
- Application forms
- Receipt Books
- Any Audio /Video CDs