Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

Claim Details
District NameChittoor
Mandal NameGangadhara Nellore
Claim Code24101801316
Policy No517262
Lic / India First IDSNL2635269
Appno No.01104925023010300303
Policy Holder NameDesamma e
Father/Husband Nameramaiah
Loan Amount25000.00
Incident Date02/01/2018
Incident PlaceGangadhara Nellore
CauseHeart attack
StatusClaim intimated and under process in LIC

S.NoStatusDateStatus Changed By
1 Registration01/09/2018kumarip
2 Intimation01/09/2018kumarip
3 Claims Uploaded by MS/Bimamitra10/10/2018Gdn2012
4 Send Back to MS/Bimamitra11/10/2018bavanasi
5 Claims Uploaded by MS/Bimamitra11/10/2018Gdn2012
6 Send Back to MS/Bimamitra15/10/2018bavanasi
7 Claims Uploaded by MS/Bimamitra20/10/2018Gdn2012
8 Documents Scanned22/10/2018bavanasi
9 Sent to LIC24/10/2018uma@2016
10 Sent to LIC24/10/2018uma@2016
11 Claim intimated and under process in LIC03/11/2018SERP
12 Claim intimated and under process in LIC17/11/2018SERP
13 Claim intimated and under process in LIC26/11/2018SERP
14 Claim intimated and under process in LIC08/12/2018SERP
15 Claim intimated and under process in LIC15/12/2018SERP
16 Claim intimated and under process in LIC22/12/2018SERP
17 Claim intimated and under process in LIC29/12/2018SERP
18 Claim intimated and under process in LIC05/01/2019SERP
19 Claim intimated and under process in LIC05/01/2019SERP
20 Claim intimated and under process in LIC12/01/2019SERP
21 Claim intimated and under process in LIC12/01/2019SERP
22 Claim intimated and under process in LIC19/01/2019SERP
23 Claim intimated and under process in LIC19/01/2019SERP
24 Claim intimated and under process in LIC28/01/2019SERP
25 Claim intimated and under process in LIC28/01/2019SERP
26 Claim intimated and under process in LIC02/02/2019SERP
27 Claim intimated and under process in LIC02/02/2019SERP
28 Claim intimated and under process in LIC09/02/2019SERP
29 Claim intimated and under process in LIC09/02/2019SERP
30 Claim intimated and under process in LIC16/02/2019SERP
31 Claim intimated and under process in LIC16/02/2019SERP
32 Claim intimated and under process in LIC23/02/2019SERP
33 Claim intimated and under process in LIC23/02/2019SERP
34 Claim intimated and under process in LIC04/03/2019SERP
35 Claim intimated and under process in LIC04/03/2019SERP
36 Claim intimated and under process in LIC09/03/2019SERP
37 Claim intimated and under process in LIC09/03/2019SERP
38 Claim intimated and under process in LIC16/03/2019SERP
39 Claim intimated and under process in LIC16/03/2019SERP
40 Claim intimated and under process in LIC23/03/2019SERP
41 Claim intimated and under process in LIC23/03/2019SERP
42 Claim intimated and under process in LIC08/04/2019SERP
43 Claim intimated and under process in LIC08/04/2019SERP
44 Claim intimated and under process in LIC20/04/2019SERP
45 Claim intimated and under process in LIC20/04/2019SERP
46 Claim intimated and under process in LIC27/04/2019SERP
47 Claim intimated and under process in LIC27/04/2019SERP
48 Claim intimated and under process in LIC04/05/2019SERP
49 Claim intimated and under process in LIC04/05/2019SERP
50 Claim intimated and under process in LIC11/05/2019SERP
51 Claim intimated and under process in LIC11/05/2019SERP
52 Claim intimated and under process in LIC20/11/2019Serp

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