Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

Vissannapet Mandal WISE AABY RENEWAL DATA ENTRY 2016-17

Panchayat Name TotalnoteligibleeligibleRenewedRevokedNotRenewedBalance
Vemireddipalli47724453 452 0 1 0
Korlamanda 3559346 346 0 0 0
Kalagara4605455 455 0 0 0
Putrela1082141074 1065 6 3 0
Tella Devarapalle5377530 531 0 0 0
Chamdrupatla2976291 291 0 0 0
Narasapuram3959386 386 0 0 0
Maaremamda1297122 123 0 0 0
Tatakuntla47615461 462 0 0 0
Vissannapet85918841 844 0 0 0
Kondaparva 3278319 319 0 0 0
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