Community Managed Micro Insurance

Andhra Pradesh

Brahmamgarimattam Mandal WISE AABY RENEWAL DATA ENTRY 2016-17

Panchayat Name TotalnoteligibleeligibleRenewedRevokedNotRenewedBalance
Jangamrajupalle15114 14 0 0 0
T.soudaravaripalle96492 88 0 4 0
Pulugurallapalle88979 75 0 4 0
Mallepalle 30812296 266 0 30 0
Rekalakunta45920439 356 0 83 0
Somireddipalle3888380 350 0 30 0
Totlapalli 14411138 105 5 28 0
Godlaveedu 16816152 152 0 0 0
Mudumala1386132 122 0 10 0
Diguva Nelatur1286122 112 0 10 0
Dirasavancha38145336 219 0 117 0
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